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Opportunities to Serve


Acolytes and LEMs

Acolytes and Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve at the altar during the worship service. Lay Eucharistic Ministers also help administer the wine at Holy Communion. If you want the best seat in the house, come join us!

Altar Guild

Our Altar Guild teams prepare the sanctuary and altar for worship. They do everything from prepare the elements to be consecrated to arrange flowers which enhance the beauty of worship.



We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the choir loft and run through some well-known hymns. Then we'll sing during the 10:30 am service.


That’s it. No commitment, just fun!

Daughters of the King®

Members of The Order of the Daughters of the King® are women and girls between the ages of seven and one hundred and seven who desire a closer walk with the Lord. But no matter where we are on our sacred journeys, our primary goal is the same – to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others through prayer and service.


The St. Margaret of Scotland Chapter of the Daughters of the King® meets the first Tuesday of the month at 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall Conference Room.

Girl Praying


Our Intercessors lay hands on and pray with those in special need of prayer each week. If you like talking to God, this is a job for you!


Lectors read the lessons each Sunday and lead us in prayer. If you like reading stories to you children or your grandkids, this is a great way to serve.


Pastoral Care Ministry

Sometimes folks need some extra help. Our Pastoral Care Ministry is here to help. Whether it is bringing meals to someone after surgery, or taking communion to folks who can't make it to church, or even just offering a listening ear, there are many ways to help be a minister to others in the Parish.


St. Andrew's has a thriving outreach ministry that involves the whole parish.

Last year, gifts of funds, food, and more were made to Arlington Community Services, Crop Walk, Episcopal Relief and Development, Episcopal Children’s Services, Downtown Ecumenical Services, Hubbard House, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and Outreach, Souper Bowl of Caring, Sulzbacher, the UNF, UF, and FSU Campus Ministries, and more.



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(904) 725-6566


7801 Lone Star Rd,
Jacksonville, FL 32211

©2023 by St. Andrew's Episcopal

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